
Check out my Github!

Linux Rice


I have not contributed to EndeavorOS, Hyprland, Tmux, or Helix. I simply use them in my workflow and have customized them to my liking.


EndeavorOS is a Linux distribution based on Arch. It makes Arch installation a little easier than vanilla Arch and comes with a few handy applications pre-loaded. The Arch User Repository (AUR) and package manager make it extremely simple to install any you might need.


Here's my Hyprland config. There's simply no going back after getting used to a tiling window manager. Knowing how to navigate your operating system is crucial. With this setup I never wonder where my terminal(s) or browser are. Everything is at my finger tips within a few keypresses away.


Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows me to quickly and easily switch between projects. My config contains some useful plugins that customize the way it looks and restores my sessions so I can pick back up right where I left off.


Helix doesn't require much configuration, however I do like to change some keybinds to match what I found to be more intuitive in Neovim.

Cruces Chess Club


As a member of the board for my local chess club I took it upon myself to build a website so anyone can easily see where we'll be each week.
The frontend is built using Svelte and the Bulma CSS framework. If I could go back I'd use TailwindCSS because that is what I'm more comfortable with now and I find it to be far more customizable. I learned a lot on this project and it's the first time I ever registered a domain!
Check out my source code!

Meal Prep

Magenta Carrot

Learning to cook changed my life. Eating healthy is so important and overcoming the obstacle of learning to cook is one of the best things I've ever done. I created this website to easily pick a few meals each week and list all the ingredients to buy. I can "reroll" recipes I don't want, search by title keyword or ingredient, and set time constraints if I want a quick meal!


Sycamore is a web framework that allows websites to be 100% using Rust! While I still prefer Svelte, I simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to use Rust more.
Check out my source code!


This is the first project where I primarily used TailwindCSS for styling. It has become my primary framework because I find it to have a relatively easy learning curve while still providing tons of customization.

Fuzzy Recipes


Why would you ever leave the terminal?
Why go to a website when you have a CLI to grab a recipe?
This CLI is written in Rust and utilizes a crate called Skim, which is an extremely fast fuzzy finder also written in Rust.



Everyone starts somewhere and sometimes you need a simple concept to learn something new and hone your skills.
For me that was this TODO app.


What makes this project cool is the fact that it utilizes Rust code compiled to web-assembly (WASM) so it can run directly in the browser! No separate backend required!
This is also the first project I used browser local storage so data is saved between page refreshes. Sure using Rust to store and manipulate state in local storage may not be the most efficient method, but that's not the point. It's super cool. WASM is the future!
Check out my source code!